Guidelines for submitting material to this site

* Submitted information must relate to the descendants of Thomas Estep, Sr. of Frederick Co., Maryland.  Information on other Estep families not descended from this family will not be accepted, but may be submitted to the ESTEP CONNECTIONS website.

* For all submitted material, please give your full name, address, e-mail address (if available) and phone number for our files.  On the website your material will be identified by your name, city and state only, unless you specify that we are to add the other components.

* DO NOT SEND FAMILY OR PEDIGREE CHARTS!  Write the information in paragraph form and/or in the style used in the ESTEP, Thomas... book.  We reserve the right to edit where needed.  If you have any questions or need help with the writing, feel free to contact us for suggestions.  We will give hands-on guidance to those who are unable to organize and document their material.  We will help you put the article together with a minimum of angst to you.  Please feel free to contact us, tell us the kind of help you need.  Do not use abbreviations.  Please capitalize all surnames.  Generations are limited to 1925, unless you wish to continue.

As was the policy in ESTEP, Thomas..., this website will limit itself to the naming and vital stats of the children of female Esteps.

As a general rule we will not repeat items given in the text of ESTEP, Thomas...
unless the repeating will help clarify a situation or a problem.  All words and numbers appearing in bold is an alert to the reader that there is a change in the word or number as given in the text.

* We prefer that you submit your own research; however, if you use information researched by another person, acknowledge that person by giving his/her name, address, phone number and e-mail address.

* Please include page number(s) with the material along with the identification numbers (such as W6 Elizabeth Estep, W52 Zachariah Estep Jr.).

* Sources must be shown for all submitted material.  If you speculate, or offer suggestions and other alternatives to the material given in the ESTEP, Thomas... book, or of your own material, that fact must be clearly stated.

* All names, dates, quotations from printed material must be accompanied by a reference note as follows:  author, title of book, place of publication:  publisher, volume number (if any), year of publication, page(s).
- If your material comes from courthouse records, show proper source:  "Beaver Co., PA Deed I:137; Harrison Co., OH Will Book C:324."
- For census records and other sources, show proper identification of the record.
- For hard to find material, make a notation of the section, department, or place within the courthouse, archive, or library where the record can be found.
- If your material comes from a person, whether written or oral, living or dead, give the full name of that person, their address, phone number (optional), and e-mail address if one is available.  It is perfectly acceptable to submit something that Aunt Effie told you, so long as you identify the information as coming from Aunt Effie.

* Material not showing references will not be printed.  Please refrain from making declaratory statements without documentation.  If you wish to offer your thoughts on possible solutions to some of our old, unsolved problems, please feel free to do so -- provided it is a serious effort, not a frivolous one.

* Scanned photos and copies of records are welcome but must relate to the information submitted.  Photos should be dated no later than 1925.  If you have a photo dated after 1925 that documents an event, location or something beyond a person's face, let us know.  PLEASE DO NOT SEND SCANNED FILES WITHOUT NOTIFYING US FIRST!  Only gif or jpg files are accepted and each file should be limited to 200K or smaller.  Tell us in advance what the scanned files will be.  If you already have the photo(s) and/or record(s) on your homepage, include the direct links to those pages.

We suggest that you check out the submitted information posted on this site to get an idea of how to organize your material.

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