R93331 William Jacob Estep
[Submitted by Walter J. Kaczmarczyk, Buffalo, NY]

R93331 William Jacob ESTEP, son of R9333 William Carey ESTEP and Amelia HOHNADLE, was born 14 May 1902 in Beaver Falls, PA(1) and died 9 Dec 1990 in Jacksonville, Florida.  He married Elizabeth Marie CASHMORE, born 3 Jan 1908 in East Rochester, PA, died 21 Oct 1981 in Jacksonville, Florida, (2) daughter of John CASHMORE and Elizabeth WISEMAN.  William and Elizabeth later divorced.  He is buried at Sylvania Hills in Rochester, PA and Elizabeth is buried in St. Mathews Cemetery, Section G, Clinton St., Buffalo, NY.
Daughter Patricia Marie ESTEP BOYD recalls that Elizabeth Marie was taken in by an uncle, but that her adoption is unknown.  Her Social Security application gives her parents as John CASHMORE and Elizabeth WISEMAN.  Patricia BOYD claims her mother was called "Gerty".   John CASHMORE, according to Patricia BOYD served in the Spanish American War and fought with Pancho Villa.  She remembers her mother telling her how she (the mother) cried when her husband left for the war.  Walter KACZMARCZYK obtained a copy of Elizabeth's birth certificate which listed her as "Baby Girl WISEMAN" and her real parents as George H. KUBLER and Nellie WISEMAN.(3) Elizabeth may be related to John CASHMORE.  She never met or knew her real parents.  Both parents were not married and were not allowed to get married.  Walter believes that Elizabeth Wiseman and Nellie Wiseman were sisters.

Children of William J. ESTEP and Elizabeth M. CASHMORE:
R933311  William John ESTEP born 13 Nov 1925.  He met Grace WERLING and during
WWII he worked as a mine sweeper in the Navy.
Children of William ESTEP and Grace WERLING:
R9333111  William Garcie ESTEP born 3 Jan 1959
R933312  Elizabeth Elaine ESTEP born 14 Apr 1927 in Beaver Falls, PA, died 1 Jun 1986
in Buffalo, NY and buried in St. Mathews Cemetery, Section G, Clinton St., Buffalo,
NY.  Married Walter Francis KACZMARCZYK born 2 Sep 1922 in Buffalo, NY,
son of Jozef  KACZMARCZYK and Mary SOLWISKI.  During WWII Walter
served in Patton's 3rd Army 76th Division.
Children of Elizabeth ESTEP and Walter KACZMARCZYK:
R9333121  Walter Joseph KACZMARCZYK born 14 May 1966 in Buffalo, NY.
R933313  Patricia Marie ESTEP born 17 Jul 1929 in Beaver Falls PA.  Married on 1 Jan
1947 in Foreign to Robert Edward BOYD Jr., born 1924.  They were later divorced.
Children of Patricia ESTEP and Robert BOYD:
R9333131  Robert Edward BOYD III born 1948
R9333132  Marcia Jean BOYD born 1949
R9333133  Sharon Lee BOYD born 1953
R933314  Ralph Edward ESTEP, Sr. born 15 May 1932 in Beaver Falls, PA, died 31 Dec
1984 in Buffalo, NY.  Married Helen TATAR, daughter of Katherine.  Ralph served in
the Navy during the Korean War.
Children of Ralph ESTEP and Helen TATAR:
R9333141  Ralph Edward ESTEP, Jr. married Rebecca ______.
Children of Ralph and Rebecca ESTEP:
R93331411  Heather ESTEP
R93331412  Joshua ESTEP born 14 May
R9333142  Linda ESTEP married Richard KOBEL
R9333143  Patricia ESTEP married William R. WAGNER.
Child of Patricia ESTEP and William WAGNER:
R93331431  William Kelley WAGNER born 19 May 1987 Lawrenceville,
GA, died 13 Dec 1993, Lawrenceville, GA.
R9333144  Kathleen ESTEP
R9333145  Elizabeth ESTEP married Robert DOWNING
R9333146  Susan Marie ESTEP born 1964 Buffalo, NY, died 1989 Buffalo, NY
buried in St. Mathews Cemetery, Section G, Clinton St., Buffalo, NY.
R9333147  Eugene ESTEP born 1965.
Child of Eugene ESTEP:
R93331471  Kathryn Marie ESTEP


(1) Application for Social Security Number by William Jacob Estep dated Dec (?) 1936.  See also Commonwealth of Pennsylvania County of Beaver, Delayed Birth Certificate, filing date 19 Mar 1951, date of issuance 19 Mar 1951.
(2) Application for Social Security Number by Elizabeth Cashmore, dated 8-19-1937.
The majority of the information given above comes from personal knowledge of the family members.
(3)  Birth certificate of Elizabeth Cashmore obtained by Walter Kaczmarczyk.  Commonwealth of PA, Department of Health Vital Records, Certification of Birth, Beaver County.  File #0030450-1908; date filed 1-29-1908; date issued 5-4-2000.  Baby girl Wiseman.  Father's name:  George H. Kubler, age 21, birthplace unrecorded.  Mother's name:  Nellie Wiseman, age 16, birthplace Freedom, PA.

Photos submitted by Walter Kaczmarczyk

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