S23522  John Jonathon Eastep
[submitted by Barbara Schultz Davis, Redding, CA, gpgm1@email.msn.com]

S23522 John Jonathon Eastep was born 1 Jan 1884, died 7 Aug 1978.  He married Mary Jane CHAPMAN in Colfax, WA on 15 Dec 1908.  Mary Jane was born in 1891, died 1957.  Her family also came to Colfax, WA from Tennessee.

"Grandpa was a beekeeper and raised a huge garden as well as cows on his five acres.  The property was sold just last year and it was a sad time for all of us.  It was located in Steptoe, WA about 12 miles from Colfax."  Quote from Barbara Davis, granddaughter of John Jonathon, in a letter dated 7 Oct 1996.

Children by Mary Jane Chapman:
S235221  Clarence Mervin EASTEP born 1910.  Married Agnes Pearl Van Slyke, born
S235222  Dorothy Mae EASTEP born 1913 and is still living. Married Earl O. SCHULTZ
who was born 1909 and died 1990.  Dorothy Mae's daughter, [S2352221] Barbara Jean
SCHULTZ, was born 20 Feb 1935 in Colfax, WA at her Aunt Eve's house.  Barbara
married Wayne A. DAVIS 19 Dec 1954 in Tule Lake, CA.  Wayne was born 25 Jul
S235223  Janette Deone EASTEP was born 1916; married Gale Boyd HARDIN, born 1915,
died 1994.

SOURCES:  Newspaper articles and family records.

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