W1 Thomas Estep of Shenandoah Valley, Virginia
pages 329-330
[submitted by Margaret Elizabeth Vidal]
The following detail was not mentioned at the time of the writing of ESTEP, Thomas Sr.. . . This author considers the information important enough for the reader to be aware of its existence.
According to the estate settlement records in Shenandoah County, Virginia Will Book L:135, on 24 September 1819 two Estep men attended the Henry Barb estate sale. Elijah Estep (W15) purchased a man's saddle and blanket for $5.10; Thomas Estep Senior (W1) purchased a wooden bucket for $1.10 and a pair of leather breeches for $2.32.
Considering the scarcity of records on W1 Thomas Estep, this is an important date for it puts two Esteps at an early event at the same time. This event is mentioned on page 6 of The Family of Simon Estep of Supinlick Ridge, Shenandoah County, Virginia, compiled by Debra Estep Turner, Joanna6@aol.com.