W852 Elijah Estep
pages 476-478
The following information was taken from the ELIJAH ESTEP / DUNLAP / KEMP Bible Records.
The Bible records claim W852 Elijah ESTEP died on 14 Aug 1914. This date is contrary to the 15 Aug date given in his military pension records, his death certificate, and his tombstone inscription.
Elijah married Phoebe (Phebe) Adaline DUNLAP on 15 Feb 1866 by the Rev. George W. McCOMBS. Phoebe was born 19 Feb 1847, and died 7 April 1884. Elijah's pension records give her death as 2 April 1884.
According to the Bible records, the following four children were born to Elijah and Phoebe before their son W8521 Henry Absley ESTEP. For our purposes, these four children will be given the following numbers (the additional children will be given letter/number designations following that of the last child listed in the book under Elijah's children):
W852-11 Irene Jane ESTEP born 12 Sept 1867; died 17 Sept 1872, aged 6 years, 5 days
(this should read 5 years 5 days according to Doris J. Estep Diederich).
W852-12 Georgeanna Bell ESTEP born 25 April 1868; died 13 Oct 1869, aged 1 year
5 mos 16 days.
W852-13 Jesse Raymond ESTEP born 23 Aug 1869; died 14 Sept 1872, aged 3 years
22 days.
W852-14 Mary Margaret ESTEP born 25 Jan 1871; died 29 Aug 1872, aged 1 year
7 mos 3 days.
W8522 Susan Louisa ESTEP died 13 May 1912 (grandmother of Doris J. Estep Diederich).
The next child was born between W8522 Susan L. ESTEP and W8523 William Dorcy ESTEP. He will be designated as:
W852-15 Elijah Howard ESTEP born 8 Oct 1876; died 24 Sept 1878, aged 1 year 11 mo
16 days.
W8525 John Calvin ESTEP was born 29 May 1882 according to the Bible records.
The next two children, twins, were born after W8525 John Calvin ESTEP:
W852-16 Mary Rachel ESTEP born 2 April 1884; died 13 Sept 1884, aged 5 mo 11 days.
W852-17 Hannah Elizabeth ESTEP born 2 April 1884; died 9 Sept 1888, aged 4 years
5 mos 7 days.
Among the children by Annie Lavina KEMP:
W8527 Eldorado Ray ESTEP is not mentioned in the Bible records; however, her husband,
Harvey Elsworth EVEY's birth is recorded as 29 Dec 1883.
Born between W8527 Eldorado and W8528 Edna Grace is:
W852-18 Dayton LeeRoy ESTEP born 5 Mar 1891; died 18 July 1891, aged 4 mos
12 days.
W8529 Harvey Blair ESTEP's birth is given as 23 Oct 1893 in the Bible records.
W852-10 Clair McKinley ESTEP born 9 Aug 1896. According to the Social Security
Death Index, Clair died Feb 1980 in Sanibel, FL. Her SS number was issued in Michigan,
and her death benefit payment was sent to someone in Livonia, MI. (from Broderbund Family
Archive #10, Vol. A-L, Ed.5, Social Security Death Index: US)